Meet Kevin, affectionately known as PK, a dynamic and inspiring ​communicator with a deep passion for understanding the different languages of ​God and preaching His Gospel. He aims to ignite the lives of God’s people with ​the transformative power of the Gospel of the Kingdom. Kevin’s journey began ​at a young age, when he gave his life to Christ at only nine years old and started ​preaching at 15. Throughout the years, he has served in numerous roles, ​including worship leader, small group leader, youth evangelist, youth and ​young adult pastor, and lead pastor.

Kevin is committed to using his gifts and talents to positively impact the world ​and inspire others to do the same. Currently, Kevin is the West Campus Pastor ​of GodChasers Community Church. Kevin is also the oversees Bueno-Money ​Enterprises where he is a consultant, investor, & motivational speaker.

Kevin is married to the beautiful, Adriana and is the father of 3 amazing ​humans; Darius, Braylon, & Serenity.

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Capturing The Puzzle Pieces Of God’s Big Picture

Our dreams are the puzzle pieces to a bigger ​picture that the Lord is painting. This journal is a ​tool for you to capture this particular language ​from the Lord and understand what He is saying ​to us in this hour and the ones to come.



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